Building a Nevada that works for Everyone
The Nevada Office of Workforce Innovation (OWINN), was originally created via Executive Order in 2016 and later codified into state statute (2017). Under the administrative umbrella of DETR since July 2021, OWINN works to support Nevada’s workforce by providing leadership in assessing workforce policies and developing innovative ideas to strengthen the workforce system, promoting registered apprenticeships and work-based learning, leveraging labor-market and workforce data, validating industry-recognized credentials, and developing career pathways.
Our mission is to help drive a skilled, diverse, and aligned workforce by promoting cooperation and collaboration among all entities focused on workforce development. The OWINN team accomplishes this mission by convening and collaborating with statewide partners to increase community engagement and identifying data-informed solutions and best practices that help all Nevadans reach their employment potential.
OWINN serves all facets of workforce development, whether it is inviting business leaders to engage with the public workforce system through the Governor’s Workforce Development Board, or leveraging longitudinal data through the Nevada P-20 to Workforce Research Data System (NPWR) to track outcomes of Nevadans from K-12 to higher education to the workforce. OWINN builds connections with paramount partners and utilizes best practices to find innovative ways to serve Nevadans.
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Legal authority
Executive Order 2016-08 issued by Governor Sandoval created the Office of Workforce Innovation for a New Nevada (OWINN). Senate Bill 516, passed by the 79th legislature and signed into law by Governor Sandoval in 2017, codified OWINN into state statute. Assembly Bill 459, passed by the 81st legislature and signed into law by Governor Sisolak in 2021, moved OWINN under the DETR umbrella. NRS 232.975 enumerates the duties of OWINN, NRS 232.935 lists the duties of the Governor’s Workforce Development Board (GWDB), and NRS 400 outlines the details of the P-20W Research Data System (NPWR).
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